10-11 Oct 2023 Boston (United States)

About the Conference

Global ESG assets may surpass $41 trillion by 2022 and $50 trillion by 2025, one-third of the projected total assets under management globally, according to a new report by Bloomberg Intelligence (BI), and large investors have publicly declared that ESG criteria will guide their investment decisions. At the same time, corporations recognize the need to manage ESG risks and opportunities. However, academic researchers in this area often encounter methodological issues that range from the challenges associated with measuring intangible factors to the lack of consistency and standardization in current corporate ESG disclosure.

The 3rd edition of the conference series on Corporate Social Responsibility organized by UMass Boston and EM Normandie Business School will be held in Boston on October 10 and 11.

This conference is an annual opportunity for researchers to explore, test out new ideas, and network with diverse peers seeking to advance our understanding of ESG. This year's emphasis is to attract research on the MEASUREMENT and IMPACT of ESG as a business strategy driver.

The Review of Financial Economics will dedicate a Special Issue to this conference.

Please review the conference program for more information and to learn who will be presenting.


To promote global reach and impact, we are pleased to announce that registration for our upcoming conference is not paid. To register, please fill out the form here with your name, email address, affiliated institute, and preferred attendance date.

Please note that by registering, you will gain access to the selected conference sessions, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, and paper presentations.

We encourage you to invite colleagues, friends, and anyone else who may be interested in the conference theme. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world, sharing ideas and insights on ESG topics. Registration will remain open until the day before the conference.

Thank you for your interest in the "Creating Value through ESG" conference, and we look forward to seeing you at the University of Massachusetts Boston!

Click here to Register !

Call for Papers

This year's emphasis is on the MEASUREMENT and IMPACT of ESG as a business strategy driver. The conference encourages research assessing, measuring, and managing ESG risks and opportunities, focusing on creating value through ESG.

Review of Financial Economics will dedicate a Special Issue to this conference, with $3000 for the best paper.

We invite submissions that address the following topics but are not limited to:

  • How do we measure the ESG aspects of decision-making?
  • How do we measure the IMPACT of such policies?
  • How vulnerable are these measures to being manipulated?
  • How are corporations managing ESG risks and opportunities?
  • Is ESG a strategic risk to portfolio diversification?
  • What are the current challenges associated with corporate ESG disclosures?
  • How do investors integrate ESG factors into investment decisions?
  • Impacts of government policies and regulation on ESG and CSR.
  • Challenges associated with using ESG metrics in investment management.
  • Application of machine learning, textual analysis, and AI to ESG.

Submission Guidelines: Authors are requested to submit a copy of their article to csrconference@umb.edu

Submission and notification of acceptance will be done through the following email: csrconference@umb.edu. Authors should submit two copies of the article:

  1. One copy without information on the authors;
  2. Another copy with the name, affiliation, and email address of each author.

 Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings. 

Authors of accepted papers are also invited to submit their papers to a special issue of the Review of Financial Economics and will be considered for the $3000 for the best paper award.

Don't hesitate to contact csrconference@umb.edu with any questions.


Important Dates

Submission Deadline

June 30, 2023

Notification of acceptance 

No later than July 31,2023

Event Details

Event Start Date: October 10, 2023 - 9 a.m.

Event End Date: October 11, 2023 - 5:30 p.m.

Address: 100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125



To be declared!

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